Boys and Girls U10-U14 NL, RL, Pre NL and RL
DATES: April 25th - 27th, 2025
FEES: 9v9 - $795 and 11v11 - $995
ENTRY DEADLINE: March 30th, 2025
U10 AND U11 | $795 | 9v9 | 16 | 30 |
U12 - U14 | $995 | 11v11 | 22 | 35 |
Entry fee must be received by April 13th, 2025. Credit cards will be processed on April 13th, 2025. If paying by check, make check payable to ESC and mail to
Edmond Soccer Club
Attn: Gary Boreham
19637 Castleberry Drive, Edmond, OK, 73012
Please click on the Hotel link on the right side of the page to book your hotel. Rooms fill up quickly so get your rooms reserved as soon as possible.
Registration Open | January 23rd, 2025 |
Registration Deadline | March 30th, 2025 |
Posting of Applied Teams | February 1st, 2025 |
Posting of Accepted Teams | April 3rd, 2025 |
Posting of Proposed Brackets | April 3rd, 2025 |
Payment is Due | April 13th, 2025 |
Posting of Preliminary Schedule | April 16th, 2025 |
Posting of Final Schedule | April 18th, 2025 |
Managers are encouraged to also have copies of Medical Releases and Birth Certificates with them.
Gary Boreham
Tournament Director
We are asking that every team purchases the Tournament Insurance that is offered by USSCI (US SPORTS CLUB INSURANCE). It is part of the registration process and costs 10% of your Entry fee (we will reimburse you for this). If the Tournament is cancelled, you will receive a full refund of your entry fee through this company. This is the only refunds that will be issued.
We only have a limited amount of Parking in the East Parking lot and anyone that Parks on the East side outside of the Parking lot (IE NOT IN our Complex gates) is likely to be towed. This includes the local businesses and the local neighborhoods. Therefore, for the tournament, please do not Park anywhere that is outside of the complex gates, which is a private road and we are not allowed to Park on it. If the East side parking lot is full, then please use the main Parking lot on the west side of the complex and walk to your field.
Please try to park in the parking lot closest to your field
For Fields 8/9/10 - Please use the East Parking Lot
For Fields 1/3/4/5/6/7/11/12/13 - Please use the main Parking lot and park on the North Side
For Fields 14/15/16/17/18 - Please enter the main entrance and park in the Central or South end.
We do have 185 additional overflow parking spots at Edmond Public Schools admin building that are located on the North side of Danforth just west of Kelley. The address is 1001 West Danforth. There are 2 parking lots one on the North (in Front) and one on the South side (Behind) of the Edmond Public Schools Board of Education building. Please only use these 2 parking lots and not the Businesses around there. This parking lot is about a 5 minute walk from the complex. Cross over the lights at Kelley and walk to the East and enter the complex on the East side. Please use this and not the local businesses or Private Roads. The only parking on the East side of the complex will be inside the parking lot. (Outlined in blue) There will be no parking on the streets leading up to the ESC parking lot. Those roads are private, and the owner will have cars towed!!!!! ONLY PARK IN THE PARKING LOT NO PARKING ON ANY OF THE ROADS IN RED. PRIVATE PROPERTY!! Thank you for your support and co-operation.
The Edmond Soccer Club